About Us

We are an FCA accredited company offering safety deposit services built around your needs. Our safe deposit centre is located in Whetstone and features a new vault and proven, robust security technology. Plus our highly trained and friendly staff provide the welcome and premium quality service every time you visit.

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Soteria Safes are FCA Accredited

The Human Touch.

Soteria Safes are FCA accredited, with highly trained attentive staff who adhere to strict security protocols to protect you, our clients, and themselves. A team of staff is always available during business hours. Rest assured, every client’s credentials are checked thoroughly before granted access.

Our personnel assist you in the opening of your safe deposit box, their discretion is guaranteed. We also offer insurance to cover valuables above our complimentary £10,000 coverage.

Safe Deposit Centre - Soteria Safes
Security Deposit Box - Soteria Safes London
Ballistic Security Facade, Windows and Doors


Our facility features a ballistic security facade, windows, and doors throughout. We also deploy a facial recognition biometric system to avoid any attempts of identity fraud. Access is by a secure dual-door entry system. Our new, Grade VIII Wertheim vault and door is designed to resist heavy ballistic and core drilling attacks. We provide Shanghai System deposit boxes that can only be unlocked by two keys.

To ensure you feel at home every time you visit our safe deposit centre, we offer our contemporary Welcome Lounge and private viewing rooms. These areas will guarantee you feel safe and relaxed throughout your visit.

Seismic Detection Sensors

State-of-the-Art Technology.

Our repurposed bank building in Whetstone has intruder detection systems and alarms built into all the building’s walls, doors, and windows. Seismic detection sensors are embedded into vault walls, ceilings and floors to provide an early warning system for invasion attempts.

We have 24-hr surveillance throughout the property and an
independent security company remotely monitors our facility while in direct contact with the police.

Safety Deposit Boxes from Soteria Safes
About Soteria Safes

“We are so happy with the service Soteria Safes have provided for us, there are always professional people on board to help with any requests or enquiries we have.”
Amanda M soteria safes customer

Soteria Safes Safe Deposit Centre

“We are so happy with the service Soteria Safes have provided for us, there are always professional people on board to help with any requests or enquiries we have.”
Amanda M soteria safes customer 2

About Soteria Safes Safety Deposit Boxes

“We are so happy with the service Soteria Safes have provided for us, there are always professional people on board to help with any requests or enquiries we have.”
Amanda M soteria safes customer 3

Our safe deposit centre boxes come in multiple sizes for storing a variety of assets.

We offer safe deposit centre boxes in multiple sizes which can hold a wide variety of items, such as jewellery, important documents, currency and many other valuable items.

Safe Deposit Box A
External Size (H x W x Depth)
Inches 2” x 5” x 20″
CM 5.0cm x 12.5cm x 51cm
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
24 Months
Safe Deposit Box B
External Size (H x W x Depth)
Inches 3” x 5” x 20″
CM 7.5cm x 12.5cm x 51cm
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
24 Months
Safe Deposit Box C
External Size (H x W x Depth)
Inches 4.5” x 5” x 20″
CM 11.5cm x 12.5cm x 51cm
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
24 Months
Safe Deposit Box D
External Size (H x W x Depth)
Inches 5.5” x 5” x 20″
CM 13.5cm x 12.5cm x 51cm
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
24 Months
Safe Deposit Box E
External Size (H x W x Depth)
Inches 5” x10. 5” x 20″
CM 13.5cm x 26cm x 51cm
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
24 Months
Safe Deposit Box F
External Size (H x W x Depth)
Inches 10” x10. 5” x 20″
CM 27cm x 26cm x 51cm
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
24 Months
All prices include VAT*
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