Protect Your Home Against Burglary

Want to protect your home? Think WIDE(N) (WINDOWS, INTERIOR, DOORS, EXTERIOR, (NEIGHBOURS) to have the best possible protection against burglary.

Research* shows that a set combination of security actions provides up to 50 times more protection for your home versus no security. A combination of WIDE actions is the most effective and recommended by police throughout the country. Additionally, at Neighbourhood Watch we believe neighbours keeping an eye out for each other is also key to preventing burglary. Click on each area to find out more:

  • WINDOWS: Lock your windows
  • INTERIOR: Put your interior lights on a timer
  • DOORS: Double or deadlock your doors
  • EXTERIOR: Put your exterior lights on a sensor
  • (N)EIGHBOURS: Keep an eye out for neighbours

As with all types of crime, prevention is much better than cure. Taking simple measures, such as locking your windows, leaving indoor lights on a timer, double or deadlocking your doors, and having exterior lights on sensors, can significantly reduce your chances of being burgled. Click below to download our useful burglary prevention checklist to double-check you have left your home safe when you walk out your front door.


Opportunity plays a big role in enabling crimes to be committed, particularly burglaries. Most domestic burglaries are committed by opportunists. Criminals will look for homes that:

  • seem unoccupied
  • have little or no apparent security
  • have doors or windows left open, or
  • where they think they won’t be seen.

A home’s overall impression will influence whether a burglar targets it. As a general rule, if it looks like there is someone inside, the burglar is likely to go elsewhere. A home in a dilapidated state will seem easier to break into, so a simple deterrent might be tidying up a garden, or repainting doors and window frames.

One crime often produces the opportunity to commit another. For example, a burglar may return after a break-in because they know when the owners will likely be out and can expect the property to be full of new replacement items.

Before upgrading your home security think about what part of your home seems more vulnerable, how often you are at home, and when it is empty. Then speak to your local Neighbourhood Officer to get advice bespoke to your needs. Wherever possible, always ensure security products you purchase are Secured by Design or Sold Secure – these are good quality, independently tested products; and use Master Locksmith Association (MLA) approved locksmith to fit your locks or to ask for expert advice about upgrading your home security.

Remember, many security products may fail because of how they have been fitted or the quality of their fixings. Products must be fitted correctly and with robust fixings.

The original version of this article was published in

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